We are very big supporters of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University.  We recommend to our customers and anyone needing a financial game plan to consider taking this course.

It’s a 12 week course that isn’t JUST about budgeting.  Yes,  there’s budgeting,  and homework,  but…. It’s a great overall education. 

There’s a section on contracts,  a section on buying and selling your home,  lessons on investing,  a section on life insurance (insurance in general), and it gives you the terminology to make sound financial decisions because you’re speaking the same language as the salesman.  You’re less likely to be taken advantage of when you are informed.

My favorite lesson is how to help when it all hits the fan.  It may not apply to you,  but…. sooner or later,  it will apply to someone you care about and it’s good to know what to do and how to advise them with confidence.   Let’s face it,  the weight of the financial world rests squarely on our shoulders.  We can’t afford NOT to be informed. 

This is a very efficient and cost effective way to get these basic life lessons.   You know the old riddle-  “What’s the prerequisite to being old and wise?”  The answer:  Being young and stupid.  Why not learn these lessons from others instead of learning them by trial and error.

For more information about Financial Peace University, visit Dave’s site at: www.daveramsey.com/fpu

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